So What's the Plan?: Pitch Blog

 Hi everyone welcome back! It's time for us to come up with our pitch. Join us as we discuss! 

Pitch #1 

A girl makes her own spooky Halloween mask to go trick or treating. She decides to glue a lock of her own hair to the mask. As she puts on the mask it comes to life and takes over her body. She lurks in the neighborhood and terrorizes the night. The police go on a wild goose chase to find her. But will they ever be able to find her? I guess we'll never know. *insert evil laugh*

Pitch #2

A woman and man get ready to go on a date. They go to an Italian restaurant and have a lovely dinner. She's secretly a spy for the government and he's one of the most wanted assassins in the world. They decide to take a walk and he takes a mysterious turn into a dark, creepy alleyway. The woman and man both realize that they are on a mission to eliminate each other. Who will make it out alive? 

As a group, we decided to go with Pitch #2. It was a more fleshed-out idea that we felt was more realistic for us to film. And our actors agreed that this idea was better out of the two. Creatively, we have a vision that we can execute perfectly. Stay tuned to see us film. :)


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