Intro to Me

 Intro Blog

 Hi, my name is Lauren Reitman. Debate is one of my favorite school activities. In debate, I have many friends including Andres, Sarah, Mia, Oscar, Balkis, and Joe. Most of them are older than me but it’s okay because I prefer to be around ppl more mature and older.  I love the performing aspect of debate where you can compete with random people to earn a medal. In my opinion, everyone should be in debate to experience how fun it actually can be when you find the right topic. I'm a sophomore and I spend most of my time with friends doing fun things outside of school. My life is mostly based on school and debate. School takes up most of my time since I'm in high school. But besides school, I spend my time playing video games and listening to music. My life is a little bit chaotic. There's never a time in my life when things are stable. I am always running around or doing something. But when I finally settle down something new pops up. Most of it is good though. Soon I'm going to join volleyball so that will take up a lot of my time as well. I'm hoping I can get good at volleyball and be able to win many games. Volleyball is one of my favorite hobbies besides video games. It is super active and fun at the same time. I'm excited to be doing this project since I love recording and media. Social media is super fun to me because it gives you the opportunity to be able to look back on things you've done and see all the happy memories you and your friends have together. I hope to make many memories in debate and throughout school this year. Especially in media.

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