Gathering the props!

 Welcome back to another production blog! This week we planned on getting together Saturday but I found out I had a debate competition. So, my group decided on after school Monday. This is perfect for all of us because we can walk from school to Wilton Drive to record what we need to. My group talked about what props we need to bring for Monday as well. I figured Andres needs a suit for his character. Since he is playing Santana and he needs to be a lawyer, he needed a suit for his character. He needed a suit anyways for debate so he used this as an excuse to get one. While he did that, I focused on getting any other props my group needed. I needed to find a briefcase since the lawyer character carries around a briefcase. I asked my Dad if he had any briefcases for his work and he said he would look for me. I looked around my house to see if anyone had anything that could be considered a briefcase and unfortunately, I couldn't find anything. I called my mom and asked her if she had anything and she said no. But she gave me an idea. She said I could look at a thrift store. I asked her if we could go together to look on the weekend and she said yes. So, on Sunday I will be going to the thrift store to find a briefcase to use for our video. I'm super excited to see what I will be able to find. The basics of our video are coming along well. I can't wait for Monday!


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