Series of Unfortunate Events

 Hello guys welcome back to yet another production blog. Today was supposed to be the day for us to start recording but unfortunately, reality had other plans. My school was placed on a huge lockdown. All day we were stuck in our first-period classes waiting for updates on what might happen. Today I was supposed to stay after school with my group and walk to Wilton Drive to record a few scenes. The scene I was targeting the most was where Santana walks to and from work. While I was looking forward to recording, after-school activities for our school were canceled. Now you may ask, how does this affect where you go after school? Well, I and my whole group take the activity buses home. These buses leave at 5pm and take us home so our parents don’t have to pick us up. I live a while away from the school so getting picked up is tricky. So taking the bus is the best option. But since the activities were canceled, there were no activity buses coming. So, my group collectively decided to reschedule for another day after school this week. This is really unfortunate for me because I was looking forward to getting real progress on this project. But in the meantime, while my group and I find another day we can get together, I will continue to work on this project. During the lockdown, I used my time to research songs I can put into the video. I found a couple more songs that I shared with my group and fortunately they approved. Now the editing process for our video will be smoother and easier. Adding the non-diegetic sound in the back will be easy. I hope my group and I will be able to get together really soon. I’ll see you in the next production blog. 


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