Spring Break !
I’m back again! This time my group and I tried to make plans to record. This week is spring break. I’m going on vacation all week!! While I’m super excited,I’ll be out of town so I wont be able to record over the break. I was excited to be able to record with my group over break. But this is okay because the others in my group can. They decided to get together Saturday to start recording. I’m hoping they are able to get the shot where Santana is getting ready. I’m also hoping for the shots where Santana gets ready for work. Since I can’t be there, I will help them with deciding on angles over text. While they are recording, I will be on the other side doing my best to help them with whatever they need. Unfortunately, Isa can’t go either since she is also busy. This is okay though because Andres and Franchesca can. I’m hoping that after break I’ll have free time to record. I am busy a lot with after school activities and tournaments for debate. But I will figure it out with my group. Saturday my group will get a lot done. This will have a big impact on our progress. I’m disappointed I can’t be there but I’ll be supporting my group from the background. See you guys in the next blog! 

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