Matching Up Our Schedules !!

                     Hello everyone, welcome to the first production blog for my group's project!!

I'm so excited to start this project and be able to create an amazing movie with my friends. After the storyboard and finalizing our story, I am finally able to schedule meeting together with my group to film. Although this may cause some issues. I, for one, have work at Red Lobster where I get my schedule every Sunday night so it is difficult to know when I won't be working. I also know Brianna has work so our schedules might clash. My plan is to find a Saturday when I can take off work to do the project. Since the plan is to go to Red Lobster to film, I will ensure a day with my boss so we can record in a secluded area in the back. There is a back corner at my work will be the perfect spot to record and get the best angles. This part I am excited about since I get to show my friends what I do outside of school. Another thing I need to schedule around is debate. This shouldn't be too difficult though since I know when I compete and so does my group. I hope to be able to start the recording process next week. This will be great to do next week so we can edit and do all the other little things we need to do. Since I won't be able to record till at least next week, I will start looking for royalty-free music. This for me is always a difficult part since I am very picky with the music. But I have my group to help me choose what we will use in the intense scenes and the chill ones. I can't wait for the recording process and to be able to hang out with my friends. The movie is on its way!!! Hope to see you next time :)


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