Another Day to Record

 Hello guys, welcome back. My group and I finally found a day to record. On Wednesday, I'm recording the courtroom shots with my group. The plan is to stay after school. Andres will bring his suit to school and Isa will also dress up. I will be the one behind the scenes with Franchesca. If my group decides to record the shots I'm in, I will also bring my costume. My group plans on recording a few shots. The first will be Santana walking into the courtroom. Another will be Santana winning the case for Joel. Then the shot where he walks out of the courtroom. I hope to be able to get this all done on Wednesday so we can edit the shots into the video. For this plan, in case someone can't go for any reason, my group and I came up with a backup plan. The plan would be to then record on Friday after school. Although my group prefers Wednesday so the project can be done. On Wednesday, I will be taking the after-school activity bus home. So, I will have to get all the work done for the project don't before the time that the buses leave. My group and I should be okay though. I can't wait to be able to record the project. The plan to record looks solid but if anything happens to come up, there of course will be updates! I'll talk to you guys next time. 


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