Change of Plans

 Hello guys, welcome back again! Yesterday my group and I were supposed to record. I brought everything I needed to record and so did my group mates. My group stayed after school and found where to would record the clips for the interrogation scene (scene 2). But unfortunately, the lighting wasn't good enough in the room and there were no good places to record the scenes. So, the group changed locations. I asked my mom if my group could use her office for recording since she is a business owner and has a lot of offices. She agreed and let us use a vacant office for a little bit. She picked my group and me up from school and took us back to her office with her. Of course, everyone's parents knew about it. So, again my group and I set up everything we needed and started recording. For the character of Joel Miller, the first person I had in mind to play the character wasn't available so I asked another friend to help. He agreed to help my group and me out with recording and I taught him the lines. For these shots, my group and I decided that we were going to do over-the-shoulder shots for the majority of the scene. It gives the shots a realistic type of feel and like there is an actual conversation going on between them. I also recorded a shot from the side so you could see the side of the table and them talking to each other across the table. Unfortunately, my group wasn't able to record any of the scenes that I was in but it was okay because my group got all of scene 2 done. In the end, my group and I got a lot of shots done and it was a very successful and productive recording session. I still have a lot left but my group is doing good so far. I can't wait to record the scenes I'm in. I'll talk to you guys next time!


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