Found the date!

 Hello everyone!!

We finally found a day for my group and I to record our project!

The past couple of days I’ve been sick and stuck at home. I mostly used these days to rest and do school work. My group and I had a long discussion earlier to plan out when would be s good day to record. Brianna and I have jobs and get our schedules every Sunday. This makes it hard for the both of us to know when we will be free. But I decided that if we assume what days we will have work and try to match up when we think we wont be busy then my group can find a day that works. This week won't be a good week because Isa and Brianna have National Qualifications for Debate. So we mostly looked at next week. Next week I assumed that I wouldn't have to work Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Brianna said she wouldn't have work Wednesday or Thursday either. So I decided that Wednesday would work the best for me. Everyone else agreed. Wednesday the 28th is our planned day to go and record after school!!

 Now the issue is how we will get there. I take the bus home and so do Brianna and Isa. Savannah has a license but no car. So I decided I will ask my brother for a ride. As of now he agreed. But it is difficult to know if he will be able to since he also has a job. He said he will let me know if anything changes. 

So for now the plan is to meet up after school, my brother will pick us up, and we will record!!

Thanks for staying tuned with this project. See you in the next blog!!


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