Gas leak??

 Hello everyone welcome back to another blog! 

Last week my group and I were in 1st period talking about what our plan would be for recording. When all of a sudden, one of our administrative staff came on the announcements. She said for one of the buildings to evacuate. Lucky for us, we weren’t in that building so we kept talking about our project. I was planning when I would be open when the lady came back on the speakers. She said for 3 more buildings to evacuate, one of those buildings being mine. So, me and my friends all evacuated to the softball field. On the way over, I heard some rumors about what the reason for all of this might be. It turns out, there was a gas leak in one of the buildings which spread to the other buildings. While waiting for more information, everyone was forced to stand on the softball field for a while. Lucky us, it rained last night so we couldn’t sit or else we would get wet. My group and I decided to use our time to figure out when would be a good time to record. Brianna and Isa were going on a trip to Harvard for debate the following weekend, so we couldn’t do it then. Collectively my group decided to record sometime in the next 2 weeks. As for now, everyone is looking for music to put into the movie. But back to the gas leak, we were standing out there for an hour. Eventually, they let us go back to our first period, but all of the time that was supposed to be used planning for the movie was now gone.

I hope nothing like that happens again and that the movie is able to go smoothly. 

See everyone in the next blog!


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