We're Finished!!!

 Hello guys... we are finally done!!

Today in class, I edited the video all together. I cut all the clips to the right size that they needed to be. Then I put them all in the right order on iMovie. After that, I added all the transitions. For one of the scenes I had to add a voiceover and make it a split screen because they needed to seem like they were on the phone being told they had a new task. After that very simplified explanation of what I did, I added the royalty-free music and the title cards. The editing process took a couple hours over 2 days. 

One thing my group had to figure out was the title cards. For this, we each put the roles we actually did for the title cards. So for editing and music I put Brianna, for director I put me, for actors I put me and Noah Lendick, the other actor in the film. The rest of the credit went between Isa and Savannah. 

Now, I have to work on the final task blog and the CR. For the final task, I already have everything needed. The postcard was done by Savannah. She did an amazing job. Then Isa did the website which was really well done too. I also have the video done too. Now all that's needed is to put it all together. I had a couple people look at the video and give me feedback as well. Many people said that in one of the scenes, you can't hear the actors very well. So I fixed that by turning it up. One person said that the voiceover was a little delayed and I agreed. So I went back in again and moved it up a little bit. Then it was perfect. 

So far, I think the process of this movie has been a rough one but I'm glad my group and I made it to the end. The process of this movie was fun. I'm glad I chose the group I did. 

Thank you for staying tuned in for the progress of this.

Stay close by for the final task!!!


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